31 December, 2009
04 December, 2009
Solstice season gigs in the Willamette Vallley!
27 October, 2009
Midwest tour update!
Here are a few additions and changes to dates previously posted.
Winter is indeed inevitable at this stage...
More to come soon
Here's the new schedule:.
A lovely home and great folks in the same neighbourhood as The Charleston where I have played several years in a row. In fact, it's a half a block away and I hear there will be a set from the one and only Barbara Hollek too! RSVP for the address or call 773.227.0830 for address and RSVP.
• SATURDAY NOV. 7 ROCK ISLAND PARISH HOUSE, ROCK ISLAND, IL – 7 pm with an opening set from the one and only Chris Dunn. This is such a great place for an acoustic house concert type show in a classy old huge study plus I get to hear Chris Dunn sing and play again! $5- $12 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of fundages.
First Lutheran Rock Island Parish House, 1600 20th St., Rock Island, IL
61201 309.788.9661
This is a good room and unique venue (a combination coffeehouse and antique store) in the far south suburbs. A good sound system and an intimate place for close up music. Come out for my fourth time here. Bring yer requests and friends of all ages
Teapots Café and Antiques, 610 Gould St., Beecher, IL 60401, 708.946.9920
Winter is indeed inevitable at this stage...
More to come soon
Here's the new schedule:.
A lovely home and great folks in the same neighbourhood as The Charleston where I have played several years in a row. In fact, it's a half a block away and I hear there will be a set from the one and only Barbara Hollek too! RSVP for the address or call 773.227.0830 for address and RSVP.
• SATURDAY NOV. 7 ROCK ISLAND PARISH HOUSE, ROCK ISLAND, IL – 7 pm with an opening set from the one and only Chris Dunn. This is such a great place for an acoustic house concert type show in a classy old huge study plus I get to hear Chris Dunn sing and play again! $5- $12 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of fundages.
First Lutheran Rock Island Parish House, 1600 20th St., Rock Island, IL
61201 309.788.9661
This is a good room and unique venue (a combination coffeehouse and antique store) in the far south suburbs. A good sound system and an intimate place for close up music. Come out for my fourth time here. Bring yer requests and friends of all ages
Teapots Café and Antiques, 610 Gould St., Beecher, IL 60401, 708.946.9920
01 October, 2009
QTN Midwest Autumn 09
An equinox howdy from high above the Rocky Mountains!
Time for another action-packed winding road with places to play and dear souls to see and visit. In short, time for a QTN autumn tour. This is late getting out, so I'm going to be brief.
Having said that, I want to let you all know that Guitarred and Feathered, the wordless guitar record I have been making is finally finished and already at the manufacturer. That means I'm gonna be a poppa of sorts again and the possibility exists that it will be traveling with me at least in the mid/late part of this tour. More news about Guitarred and Feathered will be in the newsletter which ought be heading to yer emailbox any day now. If you would like me to send you a real objet d'art souvenir postcard about the new album (with refrigerator-quality art), send me a postal address here and I will wing you one immediately.
Here is the most recent schedule of my month:.
• THIS SUNDAY OCT. 4 There are two QTN shows in the north suburbs:
SUNDAY OCT. 4 • 1...GROVEFEST, GLENVIEW, IL... 1:30 pm on the Stage and 3:30 pm in the Courtyard. I perform two sets here– one on the Mainstage and one in the Kennicott Courtyard without a PA. I've been a part of Grovefest and have played there for many years now. It is usually a golden autumn day, the people are great, the light is superb, there is food and cider and everyone is welcome. Bring the kids and parents by all means.
The Grove National Historic Landmark, 1421 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, IL. 60025, 847.299.6096
and then that same day:
SUNDAY OCT. 4 • 2...LAKE COUNTY FOLK CLUB, MUNDELEIN, IL –7 pm.–Limited to 80 seats so reservations are recommended. Call 847.271.1584. This'll be two QTN sets at a great place, a fun gig and my second time there. Probably be special guests appearing spontenaciously too! Mexican food is availble for order at the restaurant too so bring an appetite.
Concert at El Barrio Restaurant and Lounge, 1122 Diamond Lake Road, Mundelein, IL 60060
• WEDNESDAY OCT. 14–FOUNDRY HALL, SOUTH HAVEN MI – 7 pm –This is a theatre space in a little community, the folks are great to work with and care about presenting music. Tickets at the door are $5 and all ages are most welcome.
422 Eagle St, South Haven, MI www.foundryhall.com, 269.767.5453.
•FRIDAY OCT 16 – LIVE! FROM THE LIVING ROOM, PONTIAC, MI Friday, October 16 – 7:30 pm–It's been a couple of years since I have been here, done that-- a concert close to Detroit. Last time I played here, Paul McCartney was playing less than a mile away. We had a good house anyway. Two whole sets for $5 at the door.
Live! From the Living Room Acoustic Showcase, 7 N. Saginaw St.
Oakland Arts Building (next to the Blue Note Cafe)
Pontiac, MI, 48342 Contact 248.860.2307 for info.
• SATURDAY OCT. 17– SATYA YOGA CENTER, SAUGATUCK, MI–8 pm – A gorgeous bright Yoga Studio is the perfect place for a QTN concert. This is an all ages place with a big open space to sing in and Michele and her family are thoughtful hosts, welcoming us all to enjoy a Harvest Concert here. $8 suggested donation and no one turned away for lack of dough re mi.
Satya Yoga Center, 3385 Blue Star Highway Saugatuck, MI 49453269.857.7289
• SUNDAY OCT.18 – QTN-STRUMENTALS AT SALT OF THE EARTH, FENNVILLE, MI – 7 pm - 9 pm. This will be an evening of Wordless Guitar Music as QTN plays for the dinner crowd at the recently opened Salt of the Earth Café on the main street of downtown Fennville, a new incarnation in the same space as The Journeyman Café. I have played here before and I haven't yet but i will. Go figure. Good food, good folks, no cover, but donations are accepted. Bring yer hearty appetite.
Salt of the Earth Café, 112 E Main, Fennville, MI 49408 269.561.7258 www.www.saltoftheearthfennville.com
• SATURDAY NOV. 7 – ROCK ISLAND PARISH HOUSE, ROCK ISLAND, IL – 7 pm with an opening set from the one and only Chris Dunn. This is such a great place for an acoustic house concert type show in a classy old huge study and a potluck meal before. Plus I get to hear Chris Dunn sing and play again! $5 - $12 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of fundages.
First Lutheran Rock Island Parrish House, 1600 20th St., Rock Island, IL 61201 309.788.9661
Time for another action-packed winding road with places to play and dear souls to see and visit. In short, time for a QTN autumn tour. This is late getting out, so I'm going to be brief.
Having said that, I want to let you all know that Guitarred and Feathered, the wordless guitar record I have been making is finally finished and already at the manufacturer. That means I'm gonna be a poppa of sorts again and the possibility exists that it will be traveling with me at least in the mid/late part of this tour. More news about Guitarred and Feathered will be in the newsletter which ought be heading to yer emailbox any day now. If you would like me to send you a real objet d'art souvenir postcard about the new album (with refrigerator-quality art), send me a postal address here and I will wing you one immediately.
Here is the most recent schedule of my month:.
• THIS SUNDAY OCT. 4 There are two QTN shows in the north suburbs:
SUNDAY OCT. 4 • 1...GROVEFEST, GLENVIEW, IL... 1:30 pm on the Stage and 3:30 pm in the Courtyard. I perform two sets here– one on the Mainstage and one in the Kennicott Courtyard without a PA. I've been a part of Grovefest and have played there for many years now. It is usually a golden autumn day, the people are great, the light is superb, there is food and cider and everyone is welcome. Bring the kids and parents by all means.
The Grove National Historic Landmark, 1421 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, IL. 60025, 847.299.6096
and then that same day:
SUNDAY OCT. 4 • 2...LAKE COUNTY FOLK CLUB, MUNDELEIN, IL –7 pm.–Limited to 80 seats so reservations are recommended. Call 847.271.1584. This'll be two QTN sets at a great place, a fun gig and my second time there. Probably be special guests appearing spontenaciously too! Mexican food is availble for order at the restaurant too so bring an appetite.
Concert at El Barrio Restaurant and Lounge, 1122 Diamond Lake Road, Mundelein, IL 60060
• WEDNESDAY OCT. 14–FOUNDRY HALL, SOUTH HAVEN MI – 7 pm –This is a theatre space in a little community, the folks are great to work with and care about presenting music. Tickets at the door are $5 and all ages are most welcome.
422 Eagle St, South Haven, MI www.foundryhall.com, 269.767.5453.
•FRIDAY OCT 16 – LIVE! FROM THE LIVING ROOM, PONTIAC, MI Friday, October 16 – 7:30 pm–It's been a couple of years since I have been here, done that-- a concert close to Detroit. Last time I played here, Paul McCartney was playing less than a mile away. We had a good house anyway. Two whole sets for $5 at the door.
Live! From the Living Room Acoustic Showcase, 7 N. Saginaw St.
Oakland Arts Building (next to the Blue Note Cafe)
Pontiac, MI, 48342 Contact 248.860.2307 for info.
• SATURDAY OCT. 17– SATYA YOGA CENTER, SAUGATUCK, MI–8 pm – A gorgeous bright Yoga Studio is the perfect place for a QTN concert. This is an all ages place with a big open space to sing in and Michele and her family are thoughtful hosts, welcoming us all to enjoy a Harvest Concert here. $8 suggested donation and no one turned away for lack of dough re mi.
Satya Yoga Center, 3385 Blue Star Highway Saugatuck, MI 49453269.857.7289
• SUNDAY OCT.18 – QTN-STRUMENTALS AT SALT OF THE EARTH, FENNVILLE, MI – 7 pm - 9 pm. This will be an evening of Wordless Guitar Music as QTN plays for the dinner crowd at the recently opened Salt of the Earth Café on the main street of downtown Fennville, a new incarnation in the same space as The Journeyman Café. I have played here before and I haven't yet but i will. Go figure. Good food, good folks, no cover, but donations are accepted. Bring yer hearty appetite.
Salt of the Earth Café, 112 E Main, Fennville, MI 49408 269.561.7258 www.www.saltoftheearthfennville.com
• SATURDAY NOV. 7 – ROCK ISLAND PARISH HOUSE, ROCK ISLAND, IL – 7 pm with an opening set from the one and only Chris Dunn. This is such a great place for an acoustic house concert type show in a classy old huge study and a potluck meal before. Plus I get to hear Chris Dunn sing and play again! $5 - $12 suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of fundages.
First Lutheran Rock Island Parrish House, 1600 20th St., Rock Island, IL 61201 309.788.9661
12 September, 2009
14 August, 2009
Guitarred and Feathered News!

Guitarred and Feathered is a new 10 song recording of Brian Cutean's wordless guitar music to be released in 2009 Harvest time. Send an email and request this postcard by going to www.QTNRG.org and click on Email QTN. Preorder a copy (or three), assist its delivery to the whirld and lubricate the species all in the same swell foop.
09 August, 2009
Picpeek from Oregon Country Fair

From left: Tiny Montgomery, Jeff Hobbs, Kris Deelane, QTN, Tim Heaton, Linky Dickson
Photo by Sukita.com
Oregon Country Fair 2009,
14 July, 2009
Here's an update on the upcoming tour dates including venues for Anee Feeney's Sing Out for Single Payer Tour. I am playing a on the dates listed below. Please note changes in times and locations and come on out and support this history-making tour. Check out the full schedule at annefeeney.com/specialevents.html
EUGENE Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow with Adam & Kris, Anne Feeney, Wickline, Raina Rose, Green Mountain Grass, Jason Luckett and Patrick Dodd! The Very Little Theater! 2350 Hilyard St.,Eugene, OR 97405-2954 www.thevlt.com/Calendar/Calendar.htm
Sam Bond’s Garage with Alexa Woodward and Linky Dickson! 8:30 pm, 4th and Blair, www.sambonds.com
VANCOUVER Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow
Unitarian Universalist Chruch, 4505 E 18th St., Vancouver, WA 98661; 360.254.8703...7 pm with Adam & Kris, Bluegrass Dave Wilmoth, Wickline, Anne Feeney and Jason Luckett
SNOHOMISH Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow
at River's Edge, 1011 First St., Snohomish, WA 98102 360.568.5835
with Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Sharon Abreu & Michael Hurwicz, Bluegrass Dave Wilmoth, Wickline and more! www.riversedge.bz
OLYMPIA Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow Olympia Community Center, 222 Columbia St NW, Olympia, WA...8 pm with Adam & Kris, Bluegrass Dave Wilmoth, Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Wickline and more!!
PORTLAND St Francis Park Vestpocket Concerts at SE 12th and Oak. Bring kids, friends and a picnic but please no alcohol.
EUGENE Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow with Adam & Kris, Anne Feeney, Wickline, Raina Rose, Green Mountain Grass, Jason Luckett and Patrick Dodd! The Very Little Theater! 2350 Hilyard St.,Eugene, OR 97405-2954 www.thevlt.com/Calendar/Calendar.htm
Sam Bond’s Garage with Alexa Woodward and Linky Dickson! 8:30 pm, 4th and Blair, www.sambonds.com
VANCOUVER Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow
Unitarian Universalist Chruch, 4505 E 18th St., Vancouver, WA 98661; 360.254.8703...7 pm with Adam & Kris, Bluegrass Dave Wilmoth, Wickline, Anne Feeney and Jason Luckett
SNOHOMISH Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow
at River's Edge, 1011 First St., Snohomish, WA 98102 360.568.5835
with Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Sharon Abreu & Michael Hurwicz, Bluegrass Dave Wilmoth, Wickline and more! www.riversedge.bz
OLYMPIA Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow Olympia Community Center, 222 Columbia St NW, Olympia, WA...8 pm with Adam & Kris, Bluegrass Dave Wilmoth, Anne Feeney, Jason Luckett, Wickline and more!!
PORTLAND St Francis Park Vestpocket Concerts at SE 12th and Oak. Bring kids, friends and a picnic but please no alcohol.
03 July, 2009
• Back to the land of treegreen and oceansky after being long in the land of heartland and hugesky to the south and east. I've just been to the huge exceptional Kerrville Folk Fest community that appears every year, affects the whole worldland and comes back into being again 49 weeks later, next Memorial Day. What happens when you put a core group of a couple thousand who live on the same 25 acres for nearly a whole moon? There is no other experience or 12 fret program like it. (kerrvillefolkfestival.com)
• Summer means life in the fest lane and so here we go again zooming into the 40th Oregon Country Fair. This year I get to play with a sweet band featuring Tim Heaton on basso profundo, Tiny Montgomery on slide and guitar, Linky Dickson on washboard, voices (and who knows what else), the unexpected fiddle and/or soprano sax of Jeff Hobbs and of course the spontenacity of other musical surprises woven into the sparkle of the Fair. If you are thinking of attending, buy tickets in advance. They are not available at the gate. (oregoncountryfair.org).
Even if you can't come to the Fair you can hear our Saturday July 11 2:15 pm (Pacific time) set on the Blue Moon stage streamed live on KRVM. See the *** at the bottom for information about KRVM's streaming live worldwide online. This year faraway folk can tune in vicariously and hear it all as it's happening at krvm.org.
• Anne Feeney has put together almost four dozen acclaimed musicians to launch the Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show. Modeled after the traveling chautauquas of the 1930s, these concerts will take place nightly from San Diego, CA to Bellingham, WA. I will be in on the concerts in Eugene, Portland, and Vancouver, Snohomish and Olympia in Washington state and other confirmed performers are Adam + Kris, Austin's Green Mountain Grass, Raina Rose, Jason Luckett, Patrick Dodd and others
• Here's where you can come hear me live in the next few weeks. Things change in this rapidly expanding universe, so check for updates often.
Oregon Country Fair --SHADY GROVE STAGE 2:30 pm
Oregon Country Fair --BLUE MOON STAGE 2:15 pm
Oregon Country Fair --ENERGY PARK STAGE 3:15 pm
Eugene's Scobert Park near the corner of 4th and Blair 7 pm with special guests
EUGENE Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow with Anne Feeney and others!
The Very Little Theater! 2350 Hilyard St.,Eugene, OR 97405-2954
EUGENE Sam Bond’s Garage with Alexa Woodward and Linky Dickson! 8:30 pm
4th and Blair
VANCOUVER Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow
SNOHOMISH Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow
at River's Edge, 1011 First St., Snohomish, WA 98102 360.568.5835
OLYMPIA Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow TBA
St Francis Park Vestpocket Concerts, PORTLAND at SE 12th and Oak. Bring a picnic but no alcohol.
***Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Oregon Country Fair with KRVM! Listen to their live broadcast from the Blue Moon Stage at 91.9 FM in Eugene or via streaming audio online at KRVM.org. My quartet plays Saturday July 11 at 2:15 pm Pacific Time (that's 4:15 pm in the midwest).
And check out who's playing on their live broadcast schedule. There are several notables whose names you will recognize. Kerrverts also pay special attention to Peter Wilde, Green Mountain Grass and David Jacobs-Strain who are all Kerr-notables. The others are all great too. VIsit the Fair vicariously live streaming into your home or recorder...
All times are Pacific Time
Friday, July 10:
4:30 PM - Bongo Love, Afrocoustic sounds of Zimbabwe
6:00 PM - Joanne Rand, Psychadelic- Folk- Revival
Saturday, July 11:
12:00 PM - Magical Mystery Tour, from the Fair, with hosts Ed K & TC
2:15 PM - Brian Cutean, Gypsyhooplamojobopmedicine Music
3:30 PM - Laura Kemp, Bluefolk Jazz-Grass
4:45 PM - Green Mountain Grass, Gonzo-Grass
6:00 PM - The Sugar Beets, Soul Empowering Grooves
Sunday, July 12:
3:15 PM - LoCura!, Vibrant Reggae, Flamenco, Cuban Son
4:45 PM - David Jacobs-Strain, Fiery Roots Guitar
6:00 PM - Peter Wilde, Alt-Americana
• Summer means life in the fest lane and so here we go again zooming into the 40th Oregon Country Fair. This year I get to play with a sweet band featuring Tim Heaton on basso profundo, Tiny Montgomery on slide and guitar, Linky Dickson on washboard, voices (and who knows what else), the unexpected fiddle and/or soprano sax of Jeff Hobbs and of course the spontenacity of other musical surprises woven into the sparkle of the Fair. If you are thinking of attending, buy tickets in advance. They are not available at the gate. (oregoncountryfair.org).
Even if you can't come to the Fair you can hear our Saturday July 11 2:15 pm (Pacific time) set on the Blue Moon stage streamed live on KRVM. See the *** at the bottom for information about KRVM's streaming live worldwide online. This year faraway folk can tune in vicariously and hear it all as it's happening at krvm.org.
• Anne Feeney has put together almost four dozen acclaimed musicians to launch the Sing Out for Single Payer Road Show. Modeled after the traveling chautauquas of the 1930s, these concerts will take place nightly from San Diego, CA to Bellingham, WA. I will be in on the concerts in Eugene, Portland, and Vancouver, Snohomish and Olympia in Washington state and other confirmed performers are Adam + Kris, Austin's Green Mountain Grass, Raina Rose, Jason Luckett, Patrick Dodd and others
• Here's where you can come hear me live in the next few weeks. Things change in this rapidly expanding universe, so check for updates often.
Oregon Country Fair --SHADY GROVE STAGE 2:30 pm
Oregon Country Fair --BLUE MOON STAGE 2:15 pm
Oregon Country Fair --ENERGY PARK STAGE 3:15 pm
Eugene's Scobert Park near the corner of 4th and Blair 7 pm with special guests
EUGENE Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow with Anne Feeney and others!
The Very Little Theater! 2350 Hilyard St.,Eugene, OR 97405-2954
EUGENE Sam Bond’s Garage with Alexa Woodward and Linky Dickson! 8:30 pm
4th and Blair
VANCOUVER Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow
SNOHOMISH Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow
at River's Edge, 1011 First St., Snohomish, WA 98102 360.568.5835
OLYMPIA Sing Out for Single Payer Healthcare Roadshow TBA
St Francis Park Vestpocket Concerts, PORTLAND at SE 12th and Oak. Bring a picnic but no alcohol.
***Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Oregon Country Fair with KRVM! Listen to their live broadcast from the Blue Moon Stage at 91.9 FM in Eugene or via streaming audio online at KRVM.org. My quartet plays Saturday July 11 at 2:15 pm Pacific Time (that's 4:15 pm in the midwest).
And check out who's playing on their live broadcast schedule. There are several notables whose names you will recognize. Kerrverts also pay special attention to Peter Wilde, Green Mountain Grass and David Jacobs-Strain who are all Kerr-notables. The others are all great too. VIsit the Fair vicariously live streaming into your home or recorder...
All times are Pacific Time
Friday, July 10:
4:30 PM - Bongo Love, Afrocoustic sounds of Zimbabwe
6:00 PM - Joanne Rand, Psychadelic- Folk- Revival
Saturday, July 11:
12:00 PM - Magical Mystery Tour, from the Fair, with hosts Ed K & TC
2:15 PM - Brian Cutean, Gypsyhooplamojobopmedicine Music
3:30 PM - Laura Kemp, Bluefolk Jazz-Grass
4:45 PM - Green Mountain Grass, Gonzo-Grass
6:00 PM - The Sugar Beets, Soul Empowering Grooves
Sunday, July 12:
3:15 PM - LoCura!, Vibrant Reggae, Flamenco, Cuban Son
4:45 PM - David Jacobs-Strain, Fiery Roots Guitar
6:00 PM - Peter Wilde, Alt-Americana
10 June, 2009
03 May, 2009
QTN Music in May in Texas!
QTN Music in MayTuesday May 5The Secret Show8 pmwith Raina Rose, Ted Hadji, Jitterbug Vipersmyspace.com/theaustinsecretshow * Thursday May 145:30 -8:00 pmwith Stanley Smith, Dave Scheidel,East Side Flash, George Ensle and others21 and over * Friday May 15South Austin House ConcertLive Oak Neighborhood7:30 pmRSVP for address by emailing my websiteAll ages are welcome
16 April, 2009
13 April, 2009
cool as they usta
you could find anybody cool as they usta
but how many still remember to see
who could imagine the things in a circus bag
all the accessories anyone could need
you seem to resemble a different kind of mere or
reflecting the meaning of nonsense
walking with a tooth long as elephant biting
you could be writing a book
inside idea truth lies like an anthem
an ocean of stillness couldn’t listen to sad
plenty of money is the call of the millioned
you could imagine the size of that hole
so anyone hears keening running like praying
a trickle of water sounds dripping on rocks
'til every emerge urgency surges in urging
purging the feet of the socks
for way inside stillness, pulsings exude
including concluding protruding
tipping vast jars mixing senses together:
hearing velvet,
smelling C#,
tasting blue
but how many still remember to see
who could imagine the things in a circus bag
all the accessories anyone could need
you seem to resemble a different kind of mere or
reflecting the meaning of nonsense
walking with a tooth long as elephant biting
you could be writing a book
inside idea truth lies like an anthem
an ocean of stillness couldn’t listen to sad
plenty of money is the call of the millioned
you could imagine the size of that hole
so anyone hears keening running like praying
a trickle of water sounds dripping on rocks
'til every emerge urgency surges in urging
purging the feet of the socks
for way inside stillness, pulsings exude
including concluding protruding
tipping vast jars mixing senses together:
hearing velvet,
smelling C#,
tasting blue
06 April, 2009
18 March, 2009
who are we to say
who are we to say
we cannot be the ones to say:
the infinence of these beings
are splendid in design and conception
incomparable in capacity
(even through blindspot lessons and flux)
and, in the fruits of the deepest knowing,
more expansive with each deeper breathing?
and who can say these fragmented selves
are not the perfect vehicles
for expressing waves of emotion
we are designed to receive and interpret
with some measure of grace and forbearance?
one octave at a time
in several simultaneous octaves,
universe expands and contracts
in accordance with the measure
of our radiance and beholdance.
why would we ever be taught to think
we cannot handle rites of passage
that temper and widen the knowing fibres
of these potentiating beings?
whose decision was this anyway?
how could it not be okay
to know many ways
to touch, receive and heal
ways to transmit
ways to unfold and re-center
to care for our deepest selves
(and through that, each other)
to expand beyond the obvious
not searching, but watching
carefully open
and tunefully aware.....?
we cannot be the ones to say:
the infinence of these beings
are splendid in design and conception
incomparable in capacity
(even through blindspot lessons and flux)
and, in the fruits of the deepest knowing,
more expansive with each deeper breathing?
and who can say these fragmented selves
are not the perfect vehicles
for expressing waves of emotion
we are designed to receive and interpret
with some measure of grace and forbearance?
one octave at a time
in several simultaneous octaves,
universe expands and contracts
in accordance with the measure
of our radiance and beholdance.
why would we ever be taught to think
we cannot handle rites of passage
that temper and widen the knowing fibres
of these potentiating beings?
whose decision was this anyway?
how could it not be okay
to know many ways
to touch, receive and heal
ways to transmit
ways to unfold and re-center
to care for our deepest selves
(and through that, each other)
to expand beyond the obvious
not searching, but watching
carefully open
and tunefully aware.....?
16 March, 2009
15 February, 2009
QTN's Whirly Winter Wordscape
Hoppy now ears to you all over the turning whirldsphere.
We are perched at the end of an era, the end of an error or perhaps even the ear of Ananda. Many fine things are beginning now too. Long time no send update. Thanks for all the encouragings to keep 'em coming. 2008 was a busy yahhhhhhh of a year with plenty of travel and zoooom and it is looking to be that way again. After a brief wordy wonderwander, there are four newsy items:
A. A winter CD deal with an added treat.
B. New wordless music webpage
C. QTN and Robert Vignaud deal with their inner Tube...
Indeed it is quite the New Ear to Real Eyes and changlings everywhere are off to a swimming start especially in low-lying areas around the Pacific Northwet after mudslides, avalanches. underwater highways, snow before the first day of winter that wouldn't go away, rain that wouldn't stop, more than our usual quota of freezing fog and too many other exciting events.
We are perched at the end of an era, the end of an error or perhaps even the ear of Ananda. Many fine things are beginning now too. Long time no send update. Thanks for all the encouragings to keep 'em coming. 2008 was a busy yahhhhhhh of a year with plenty of travel and zoooom and it is looking to be that way again. After a brief wordy wonderwander, there are four newsy items:
A. A winter CD deal with an added treat.
B. New wordless music webpage
C. QTN and Robert Vignaud deal with their inner Tube...
Indeed it is quite the New Ear to Real Eyes and changlings everywhere are off to a swimming start especially in low-lying areas around the Pacific Northwet after mudslides, avalanches. underwater highways, snow before the first day of winter that wouldn't go away, rain that wouldn't stop, more than our usual quota of freezing fog and too many other exciting events.
Winter is a good time to begin again and, since 2009 is the last year of the Uh-Oh Decade, we're going to need a new name for the next ten years, something more eloquent than "The Teens'. Be the first to coin a new name, send it to me and I'll post it in a future newsletter. I plan to be a better corn forest spondent in 09 than I was last year. Everything got away in the mad dash across the dotted lines dot dot dot dash dash dash dot dot dot...
We arrived into an Earth Ox year January 26 and that sounds like a good urge to exercise personal and communal fortitude and hard work to create the great renewable a-bun-dance. Do we ever have work cut out for us all this next year or what? And besides being an Ox year, with all the job layoffs, is it also the Year of the Ax? Stay tuned, but let's think in terms of possibility instead of dread. A good time to not buy the fearmind or anything superfluously.
Here's a hearty toast to future projects burgeoning and coming into form. Another toast to electrically crisped slices of bread with a blackberry jam session. Here's to being bread in the bone and to being well bred(ed). It's the yeast I could do really. I am already full up this winter with what I hope to accomplish before the mad year descends again so no more loafing here either.
Time for blips:
A • Been waiting for the perfect time to order CDs from me? All signs say it's now. I'm ringing in the new by moving out the old in order to come up with $$ to finish two new recordings. Here's the deal: order Hearthearthearth, Parakeetfishhead and Lubricating the Species CDs and get all three for $36 postage included. Plus, I'll send a free, signed bonus disc of 4 unreleased QTN recordings from the archives with every three for two order. Order online at QTNRG.org using Paypal, my website has been configured to reflect the winter deal. Bite-sized mantras can still be ordered through the website too and have their own domain now at www.bitesizedmantras.com. It's bare bones for now, but we hope to make this one fun soon.
B • A new page for QTNstrumentals has been hatched online for those of you who have enjoyed the wordless guitar music I play and for those who are curious what it's like to not deal with all those pesky lyrics and meanings. Visit www.myspace.com/QTNstrumentals and have a listen. Say howdy there if your a spacer or put in a friend request too. The other page is www.myspace.com/brianQTN. "Food" is still in the top 300 of 3000 songs on Neil Young's 'Living with War' protest song page at neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/lwwsongspage.html. Thanks to all of you still clicking on it to keep it going up the chart. At one point it was in the top 30. I hear you can even see the "Food" link briefly in the CSNY movie about the "Living with War" tour of 2007.
C • We've been Tubed! A new video has been posted from last Father's Day at Jovita's in Austin. The ever-amazing and multi-faceted bassist extrordinaire Robert Vignaud has posted us performing "Standing People Trees" and I hear there may be a couple more videos to come. Copy and paste this in your browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIQPyNLyw0E and watch and listen. Leave a comment if you're an inner youtube-r. Say 'Yes i yam."
Thanks for all the feedback, personal emails and encouraging hilarity.
There sure are a lot of people in me. Thanks for being one of them.
Your corn forest spondent,
Time for blips:
A • Been waiting for the perfect time to order CDs from me? All signs say it's now. I'm ringing in the new by moving out the old in order to come up with $$ to finish two new recordings. Here's the deal: order Hearthearthearth, Parakeetfishhead and Lubricating the Species CDs and get all three for $36 postage included. Plus, I'll send a free, signed bonus disc of 4 unreleased QTN recordings from the archives with every three for two order. Order online at QTNRG.org using Paypal, my website has been configured to reflect the winter deal. Bite-sized mantras can still be ordered through the website too and have their own domain now at www.bitesizedmantras.com. It's bare bones for now, but we hope to make this one fun soon.
B • A new page for QTNstrumentals has been hatched online for those of you who have enjoyed the wordless guitar music I play and for those who are curious what it's like to not deal with all those pesky lyrics and meanings. Visit www.myspace.com/QTNstrumentals and have a listen. Say howdy there if your a spacer or put in a friend request too. The other page is www.myspace.com/brianQTN. "Food" is still in the top 300 of 3000 songs on Neil Young's 'Living with War' protest song page at neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/lwwsongspage.html. Thanks to all of you still clicking on it to keep it going up the chart. At one point it was in the top 30. I hear you can even see the "Food" link briefly in the CSNY movie about the "Living with War" tour of 2007.
C • We've been Tubed! A new video has been posted from last Father's Day at Jovita's in Austin. The ever-amazing and multi-faceted bassist extrordinaire Robert Vignaud has posted us performing "Standing People Trees" and I hear there may be a couple more videos to come. Copy and paste this in your browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIQPyNLyw0E and watch and listen. Leave a comment if you're an inner youtube-r. Say 'Yes i yam."
Thanks for all the feedback, personal emails and encouraging hilarity.
There sure are a lot of people in me. Thanks for being one of them.
Your corn forest spondent,
03 February, 2009
18 January, 2009
Emerge Urgency Oh Nine
Now that present time is teeter-tottering on the brink of the urge to emerge from a doddering old gaping sar-chasm embracing the wandering why, we are leaning into sharpnesses of frugality, becoming becalming centrifugality holding together the centre of a widening entropy gyre, flying apart concentrically at the seems-to-be.
Shards of sparkling carnival-glass-thought refract light and refocus caramelizedarkest night into a fractalfriction clarity in expansive contractivity; filling and emptying like a breathing Balkan goat bladder bleating a slightly mazurka’d tsardas.
And it isn’t all lost, so what’s found is the sound of one unlimited heart smiling in tandem with other unrestrained smiling hearts and melding into a chorus of silence and holding space, expansive in being and using imagination to image-a-nation/world transitioning through problems created by the mind of previous times, outside any limitation box and turning those problems with a holographic nuanced eyemindheart (a mirtrhful mindful heartily aware of limitless potential coming now through the dreaming door long lost tho available at every given moment).
Yes. To know.
And doesn’t the adept abruptly adapt, then interrupt a corrupt inept process adrift in shiftless error-correction creating an updraft of uplifting laughter after its aggregate cohesion collapses?
In the newness of a whirl becoming, we can learn to discern what is significant on beyond preconceived notions and postprocedural analysis-paralysis. We can release instinctual habitual rituals and re-turn turn turn again to those thrilling days of Evermore where wayward thoughts and pilgrim wanderings of nomadosophy point the closest way to egress, and we can evolve and proceed to our most fervent analogous whole.
With just a turning of the cards, history unfolds another infinite number of infant potential futures and repasts, faster than the speed of ahhhh and the whoa of whew, where ideas spill unnegated, ever the spark of the next subsequent Is –– and unrehearsed, barely pronounced (tho more than a likely guess), tiny like a windchime and oftener than not.
Shards of sparkling carnival-glass-thought refract light and refocus caramelizedarkest night into a fractalfriction clarity in expansive contractivity; filling and emptying like a breathing Balkan goat bladder bleating a slightly mazurka’d tsardas.
And it isn’t all lost, so what’s found is the sound of one unlimited heart smiling in tandem with other unrestrained smiling hearts and melding into a chorus of silence and holding space, expansive in being and using imagination to image-a-nation/world transitioning through problems created by the mind of previous times, outside any limitation box and turning those problems with a holographic nuanced eyemindheart (a mirtrhful mindful heartily aware of limitless potential coming now through the dreaming door long lost tho available at every given moment).
Yes. To know.
And doesn’t the adept abruptly adapt, then interrupt a corrupt inept process adrift in shiftless error-correction creating an updraft of uplifting laughter after its aggregate cohesion collapses?
In the newness of a whirl becoming, we can learn to discern what is significant on beyond preconceived notions and postprocedural analysis-paralysis. We can release instinctual habitual rituals and re-turn turn turn again to those thrilling days of Evermore where wayward thoughts and pilgrim wanderings of nomadosophy point the closest way to egress, and we can evolve and proceed to our most fervent analogous whole.
With just a turning of the cards, history unfolds another infinite number of infant potential futures and repasts, faster than the speed of ahhhh and the whoa of whew, where ideas spill unnegated, ever the spark of the next subsequent Is –– and unrehearsed, barely pronounced (tho more than a likely guess), tiny like a windchime and oftener than not.
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